Speech Synthesizer

Just plug it in to the side expansion port of your TI-99/4(a) and it is available to any program that supports it.
Speech Synthesizer Technical information http://www.unige.ch/medecine/nouspikel/ti99/speech.htm
Speech Synthesizer General Information
Extended basic will only say the words in the included vocabulary in the Extended basic manual. Make sure you enter them in UPPER CASE ONLY if you use lower case it will say “UH OH” for every letter..
Terminal Emulator II will do “text to speech” and say any word spelled in the format documented in the manual.
Speech Editor will also do “text to speech” but they are pretty rare! (I have them in stock!)
Text To Speech was available from TI as a extended basic package that would extend extended basic to have text to speech functions. It’s available here:
http://ftp.whtech.com/emulators/pc99/pc99 dsk collection/Numbered/@Named/TEXTSPCH.ZIP
What about the little door on the front?
Originally when the Speech Synthesizer was designed, it was programmed with about 300 words and phrases (the ones you can get from CALL SAY in Extended BASIC). TI’s intention was to sell add-in modules that went into this compartment that would add additional words to the resident vocabulary. TI then figured out how to do unlimited text to speech through software, added that to Terminal Emulator II, and then there was no need for the add-in modules. So none were ever sold and very few of the speech synthesizers even have the connector inside the door for these to plug into.
There is no data available at this time on the pinout or design of the connector or the never released modules.
I hear there are a couple of side expansion port lines that aren’t passed through the Speech Synthesizer? (these can be jumpered across the board to resolve)
- 5v on pin 1 (Jedimatt sidecar32 requires this OR an external power supply)
- Sound through (SID99 requires this to play sound from the PBOX)
Can I put the Speech Synthesizer in the console?
- If you are handy with a soldering iron: http://www.mainbyte.com/ti99/speech/speech_console.html
Can I put the Speech Synthesizer board in the PEB?
- Shift838 Speech Board (remake of Rave board)
- Rave Speech Board
rave speech board - Corcomp TripleTech
- SPVMC board (replaces TI speech synth)
spvmc speech board
- Shift838 Speech Board (remake of Rave board)